about this site
this site consists of art that i have created. all images and html are created and owned by me, sin, and may not be copied, printed, altered, or anything without my consent.

site owner
this site is owned and maintained by sin.
artist statement | e-mail: sin@clannails.com | icq: 1036232
© dan shulman-means 1999

the images
click any of the thumbnails to view an image.

thumbnail of swamp thumbnail of foaming thumbnail of poison thumbnail of watched thumbnail of dimension leak thumbnail of lies thumbnail of chaotic utopia thumbnail of expression thumbnail of ripple thumbnail of microscopic thumbnail of implode thumbnail of star thumbnail of losing ground thumbnail of unexpected inspiration thumbnail of resurrection thumbnail of forgotten thumbnail of forgotten thumbnail of change of fate thumbnail of tainted thought thumbnail of trauma thumbnail of disturbed thumbnail of the inside thumbnail of no exit thumbnail of masked and overlooked thumbnail of delusional; step through thumbnail of untitled thumbnail of black secret thumbnail of fallen angel thumbnail of the flowers of naivete